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may cause cancer中文是什么意思

用"may cause cancer"造句"may cause cancer"怎么读"may cause cancer" in a sentence


  • 可能引致癌症


  • Bsr : what first got you interested in looking at the possibility that aneuploidy might cause cancer
  • Most experts agree that fiber helps the body to quickly remove fat that may cause cancer to develop
    大多数专家认为, (植物)纤维可以帮助机体快速消除可能诱发癌症的脂肪。
  • A group of sydney scientists is warning today that a dietary supplement popular with bodybuilders may cause cancer
  • A group of sydney scientists is warning today that a dietary supplement popular with bodybuilders may cause cancer
  • A group of sydney scientists is warning today that a dietary supplement popular with bodybuilders may cause cancer
  • As we all know , oil - smoke is a killer of kitchen for it contains many matters may cause cancer , so far away from oil - smoke enhanced heath
  • The convential wate treatment process do n ' t work very well to this kind of water , the effluent of which have lots of thms that may cause cancer . the powered activated carbon ( pac ) was welcomed by most water sciticists for its flexible application , particularly to the water changing much duo to the season
用"may cause cancer"造句  
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